Parental Mediation Scale of Digital Games for Children
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Ölçek Çeşidi: Geliştirme
30 Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme » 340 Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi » 350 Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi
Kaynak Türü: Makale
Gözüm, A. İ. C., & Kandır, A. (2020). Developing a Parental Mediation Scale of digital games for children. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 12(2), 336-358.
Geliştiren/Uyarlayan: Ali İbrahim Can Gözüm, Adalet Kandır
Yıl: 2020
Kaynak Adı: Developing a parentalmediation scale of digital games for children
Dergi: International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (IJCI)
Cilt: 12
Sayı: 2
Sayfa Aralığı: 336-358
Sorumlu Yazar: Ali İbrahim Can Gözüm
Ölçülen Özellikler: 60-72 aylık çocukların dijital oyunlarına yönelik ebeveyn arabuluculuk stratejileri
Alt Boyutlar: Laissez faire, Restrictive, Technical, Viewing
Örnek Maddeler ve Madde Sayıları: The sample item, which is moderately related to the viewing factor is item 13 (I check the game classification for the age restriction of the digital game my child plays).The sample item which is moderately related with the Laisse Faire factor is item 31 (My child fulfills the responsibilities given to him/her in return for playing digital games). The sample item that is related to the technical factor in a good degree is in item 3 (I tell my childto ask me for the password I put on the digital device so that s/he can play digital games.). The sample item, which is moderately related to the restrictive factor is item 36 (I prohibit my child from playing digital games that I think are harmful for his/her socialization). Sample item, which has a good level of correlation with active acting factor (r=.723), is item 22 (I make an explanation of the digital games that support my child's language development by playing together.).
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