Chorus Motivasyon Ölçeği
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Ölçek Çeşidi: Geliştirme
30 Eğitim Bilimleri ve Öğretmen Yetiştirme » 380 Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi
Kaynak Türü: Makale
Ozgul, I. & Yigit, N. (2017). The development of Chorus Motivation Scale (CMS) for prospective music teacher. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(3), 323-339. doi:10.5539/jel.v6n3p323
Geliştiren/Uyarlayan: ilhan ÖZGÜL, Nalan YİĞİT
Yıl: 2017
Kaynak Adı: The Development of Chorus Motivation Scale (CMS) for Prospective Music Teacher
Dergi: Journal of Education and Learning
Sorumlu Yazar: İlhan ÖZGÜL
Ölçülen Özellikler: koro motivasyon
Örnek Maddeler ve Madde Sayıları:
Chorus director pays attention to use verbal and nonverbal (vocal modeling and eye
contact) language of communication appropriately so that my level of attention increases
during rehearsals.
Kimlere Uygulanabilir: amatör korolar, güzel sanatlar lisesleri, müzik öğretmenliği programları, preservice music teachers
Derecelendirme: Increases my motivation a lot, Increase, my motivation, Does not affect my motivation, Reduces my motivation, Reduces my motivation a lot
Ölçek Puanlaması:
1-5 arasında
Ölçek Değerlendirmesi:
Due to the nature of the scale, “Does not affect my motivation” score (3 points) is a balance between decreases my motivation a lot (negative direction, 1 point) and increases my motivation a lot (positive direction, 5 points). Therefore, the interpretation of the scores from the scale should be made in the following way: As the score of any factor approaches 5, this means the students are positively affected by that factor; as it approaches 1, this means they are negatively affected by that factor, and as it approaches 3, this means they are not affected much by that factor. Chorus motivation scale items are written in the following order. Leadership (first 16), director/student attention (6), achievement (4) and anxiety (4).
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