Bağlamsallaştırılmış Okuma Stratejileri Ölçeği
Urfalı Dadandı, P. (2023). Adapting the Contextualized Reading Strategies Scale into Turkish Culture and Identifying its Psychometric Features. Research on Education and Psychology, 7(2), 252-275.
Çocuktan Ebeveyne Şiddet Eğilimi Ölçeği
Özdemir-Bişkin, S. (2023). Development of Child to Parent Violence Scale (CPV-S): Investigating psychometric properties in Turkish adolescents. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(Special Issue 2), 478-493.
Çocuktan Ebeveyne Şiddet Ölçeği
Özdemir-Bişkin, S. (2023). Development of Child to Parent Violence Scale (CPV-S): Investigating psychometric properties in Turkish adolescents. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(Special Issue 2), 478-493.
COVID-19 Sonrası Uyum Ölçeği (AACS)
Canel, A. N., & Otrar, M. (2021). Adaptation After COVID-19 Scale: The study of validity and reliability. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 5(2), 324-349.
Ebeveynlerin Eğitim Felsefesi Eğilimi Ölçeği
Yılmaz, E., & Yıldırım, R. (2023). Development of Parent Educational Philosophy Tendency Scale: A validity and reliability study. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(2), 328-348.
Ergenler İçin Matematiksel Merak Ölçeği
Arıkan, E. E., Özgenel, M., Erdem, S. S., & Ünal, H. (2023). Developing a Mathematical Curiosity Scale for adolescents: Validity and reliability study. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(3), 370-388.
Grup Düzenleme Ölçeği
Yıldız Durak, H. & Aksu, B. (2022). The validity and reliability of the group regulation scale Turkish form: A study with the Rasch model . Research on Education and Psychology , Scale Development and Adaptation Studies , 38-46.
Grup Özdüzenleme Ölçeği [Group Regulation Scale]
Yildiz Durak, H., & Aksu Dünya, B. (2022). The validity and reliability of The Group Regulation Scale Turkish Form: A study with the Rasch model. Research on Education and Psychology, 6(Special Issue), 38-46.
Grup Üstbiliş Ölçeği
Yıldız Durak, H., & Atman Uslu, N. (2021). Turkish adaptation of the Group Metacognitive Scale: Metacognition in online collaborative group activity. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 5(2), 288-301.
Kariyer Bağlılığı Ölçeği
Yam, F. C. (2023). Career Engagement Scale: Examination of Turkish psychometric properties. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(2), 203-217.
Kişisel Sosyal Sorumluluk Ölçeği
Kocar, M. S., & Seki, T. (2023). Turkish Adaptation of Personal Social Responsibility Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Research on Education and Psychology, 7 (3), 489-501.
Makine Öğrenmesi Tutum Ölçeği
Hopcan, S., Polat, E., & Türkmen, G. (2021). Validity and reliability study of a Turkish Form of the Machine Learning Attitude Scale. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 5(2), 267-277. doi: 10.54535/rep.1017070
Öğrencilerin Sınıf İklimi Algısı Ölçeği
Çengel Schoville, M., Yılmaz Özelçi, S., & Totan, T. (2021). Student Perception of Classroom Climate Scale: Adaptation and validation to Turkish. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 5(2), 204-222.
Psikoterapiye Tepki Ölçeği
Çetinkaya, K., & Yavuz Güler, Ç. (2023). Psychometric parameters of the Turkish version of the Reactions to Psychotherapy Questionnaire. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(3), 446-458.
Romantik İlişkilerde Psikolojik Esneklik Ölçeği
Barkale Şahin, S., & Hamarta, E. (2024). Development of the Psychological Flexibility in Romantic Relationships Scale (PFRRS): A validity and reliability study. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 8(2), 330–359.
Siber Mağduriyet/Siber Zorbalık Ölçeği
Bayar, A., Kurt, B. S., Mutlu, M., Öven, Ç. & Bayar, Y. (2023). The validity and the reliability Study of A Cyber Victimization/Bullying Scale For University Students. Research on Education and Psychology, 7 (1), 149-163. DOI:10.54535/rep.1297063
T-STEM CT Ölçeği
Sarıtepeci, M. & Durak, A. (2022). Adaptation of T-STEM CT scale to Turkish: Teacher self-efficacy and outcome expectancy for teaching computational thinking . Research on Education and Psychology, Scale Development and Adaptation Studies , 47-56
Üç Modlu Motivasyonel Düzenleme Stratejilerini Ölçme Ölçeği
Atman Uslu, N. & Yıldız Durak, H. (2022). Turkish adaptation of a scale to measure three modes of motivational regulation strategies: Self-, Co-, and socially shared regulation of motivation for collaborative activity . Research on Education and Psychology , Scale Development and Adaptation Studies , 27-37 .
Üniversite Öğrencileri İçin Siber Mağduriyet/Zorbalık Ölçeği
Bayar, A., Kurt, B. S., Mutlu, M., Öven, Ç., & Bayar, Y. (2023). The validity and the reliability study of a Cyber Victimization/Bullying Scale for university students. Research on Education and Psychology (REP), 7(1), 149-163.
Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Siber Aylaklık Düzeyi Ölçeği
Sarıtepeci, M. & Sert, U. (2021). Cyberloafing level of university students : A scale development study. Research On Education And Psychology (Rep) 5(1), 41-52.
Verilere Dayalı Karar Verme Ölçeği
Yılmaz, E., & Jafarova, G. (2022). Development of Data Driven Decision Making Scale: A validity and reliability study. Research on Education and Psychology, 6(Special Issue), 69-91.
Zihniyet Teorisi Ölçeği
Yılmaz, E. (2022). Development of Mindset Theory Scale (Growth And Fixed Mindset): A validity and reliability study (Turkish version). Research on Education and Psychology, 6(Special Issue), 1-26. Doi: 10.54535/rep.1054235