Dergiler: Psychological Reports
Akademik Cesaretlendirme Ölçeği
Okur, S., Ekşi, H., Demirci, İ., & Ekşi, F. (2023). Academic encouragement and academic wellbeing: Mediating roles of grit and hope. Psychological Reports. Advance online publication.
Akademik Motivasyon Ölçeği
Can, G. (2015).Turkish version of the Academic Motivation Scale. Psychological Reports, 116, 388-408. doi: 10.2466/14.08.PR0.116k24w5
Being Phubbed (Sosyotele Maruz Kalma) Ölçeği
Kendi Kendine Stres Yapma Ölçeği
Yazıcı-Kabadayı, S., & Öztemel, K. (2022). The Mediating Role of Rumination and Self-Regulation Between Self-Generated Stress and Psychological Well-Being. Psychological Reports, 0(0).
Neredeyse Mükemmel Ölçeği
Ulu-Pınar, İ., Tezer, E., Slaney, R.B. (2012). Investıgatıon of adaptıve And maladaptıve perfectıonısm wıth Turkısh Almost Perfect Scale–Revısed.Psychological Reports, 110, 1007-1020. DOI 10.2466/09.02.20.PR0.110.3.1007-1020
Nezaket Ölçeği
Okur, S., Akyıl, Y., Deniz, M. E., & Satıcı, S. A. (2024). How does more niceness bring more happiness? The association between niceness, depression, and subjective happiness. Psychological Reports, 332941241278335. Advance online publication.
Phubbing (Sosyotel) Ölçeği
Telefona Bağlanma Ölçeği
Enez, Ö. & Yalçınkaya-Alkar, Ö. (2021). Assessing mobile phone attachment: Validation of the mobile attachment questionnaire in Turkish university students and examination of related variables. Psychological Reports. doi:10.1177/00332941211005117
Tuckman Akademik Erteleme Ölçeği
Özer, B. U., Saçkes, M., & Tuckman, B. W. (2013). Psychometric properties of the Tuckman Procrastination Scale in a Turkish sample. Psychological Reports, 113(3), 874-884. doi:10.2466/03.20.PRO.113x28z7