© Prof. Dr. Halil Ekşi I Marmara Üniversitesi I toadizini@gmail.com

Psikolojik Yardım Aramada Kendini Damgalama Ölçeği

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Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Orhan_Cakiroglu/publication/269728027_Dimensionality_of_the_Turkish_Version_of_the_Self-Stigma_of_Seeking_Help_Scale_Results_from_Exploratory_and_Confirmatory_Factor_Analyses/links/570e014d08ae3199889bd232/Dimensionality-of-the-Turkish-Version-of-the-Self-Stigma-of-Seeking-Help-Scale-Results-from-Exploratory-and-Confirmatory-Factor-Analyses.pdf

Ölçek Çeşidi: Uyarlama


10 Psikoloji

Kaynak Türü: Makale


Kaya, C., Tansey, T., Chan, F., Bezyak, J., Melekoğlu, M. A., Çakıroğlu, O., & Köse, S. (2015). Dimensionality of the Turkish version of the self-stigma of seeking help scale: Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 37(2), 105-116. doi: 10.1007/s10447-014-9230-3

Geliştiren/Uyarlayan: Cahit Kaya, Fong Chan, Jill Bezyak, Macit Melekoglu, Orhan ÇAKIROĞLU, Samet Kose, Timothy Tansey

Yıl: 2015

Kaynak Adı: Dimensionality of the Turkish version of the self-stigma of seeking help scale: results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses.

Dergi: International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling

DOI: 10.1007/s10447-014-9230-3

Sorumlu Yazar: Cahit Kaya

İletişim: rehber.cahit@gmail.com

Ölçülen Özellikler: Kendini Damgalama

Alt Boyutlar: Ozguvene tehdit, Yetersiz Hissetme

Örnek Maddeler ve Madde Sayıları:

1. I would feel inadequate if I went to a therapist for psychological help.
2. My self-confidence would not be threatened if I sought
professional help.
3. Seeking psychological help would make me feel less intelligent.
4. My self-esteem would increase if I talked to a therapist.
5. My view of myself would not change just because I made the choice
to see a therapist
6. It would make me feel inferior to ask a therapist for help.
7. I would feel okay about myself if I made the choice to seek
professional help.
8. If I went to a therapist, I would be less satisfied with myself.
9. My self-confidence would remain the same if I sought
professional help for a problem I could not solve
10. I would feel worse about myself if I could not solve my own

Kimlere Uygulanabilir: Yetişkinler

Derecelendirme: 1= hiç katılmıyorum – 5= tamamen katılıyorum)

Ölçek Puanlaması:

5-50 arasi degismektedir. ( # 2, 4, 5, 7, ve 9 maddeler ters puanlanmaktadir

Ölçek Değerlendirmesi:

Yuksek puan alinmasi, yuksek kendini damgalamaya isaret etmektedir.


Cronbach’s alpha degerleri iki alt olce icin .70 and .61


Olcek zihin saglik uzmanlarini tanimak, egitim seviyesi, ve yardim arama ve diger faktorlerle uyumlu sonuclar vermistir.

Kullanılan Araştırmalar

Orijinal Form

Orijinal Kaynak / Referans:

Vogel, D. L., Wade, N. G., & Haake, S. (2006). Measuring the self-stigma associated with seeking psychological
help. J Counseling Psychologist, 53(3), 325–337

Orijinal Ölçek DOI: 10.1037/0022-0167.53.3.325

Orijinal Ölçek Geçerlik:

Cronbach`s alpha .91

Orijinal Ölçek Güvenirlik:

Yardim arama ve diger faktorlerle uygumlu sonuclar vermistir.

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