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Link: http://www.pbr.co.in/2022/2022_month/January/11.pdf

Ölçek Çeşidi: Geliştirme

Kaynak Türü: Makale


Ak, M., Uysal, H. T., Yılmaz, F. (2022).Organizational Health with Management Approach: A Scale Development Study. Pacific Business Review (International), 14(7), 118-133.

Geliştiren/Uyarlayan: Fatma Yılmaz, H. Tezcan Uysal, Murat Ak

Yıl: 2022

Kaynak Adı: Organizational Health with Management Approach: A Scale Development Study

Dergi: Pacific Business Review (International)

Cilt: 14

Sayı: 7

Sayfa Aralığı: 118 - 133

Sorumlu Yazar: Murat Ak

İletişim: Muratak1578@hotmail.com

Alt Boyutlar: Career, Managerial Ability, Social Psychology

Örnek Maddeler ve Madde Sayıları:

28 Total Article
1- In determining the duties of employees within the organization (corporation); education level, merit, career and driver's license (giving the job to the people) principles are respected.
2- Employees can easily use their own skills, knowledge and skills while performing their duties in the organization.
3- Promotion of employees within the organization is made in line with merit, career and competence principles.
4- The working environment provided within the organization (corporation) is suitable for improving the knowledge, skills and capabilities of the employees.
5- Organizational (corporate) objectives, corporate performance, business and operation are shared with employees and their opinions are taken.
6- There is strong cooperation, solidarity, solidarity, synergy and coordination among the employees within the organization (corporation).
7- Importance is given to feedback as well as manager-employee and employeee mployee communication in the work and operations carried out within the organization.
8- Audit activities carried out within the organization (corporation); they are very strict, hard and extremely procedural.
9- Determined organizational (corporate) objectives, tasks, jobs and operations are compatible and identical to corporate capacity and employee knowledge, skills, capabilities and training levels.
10- Various practices, businesses and operations carried out by management within the organization (corporation) are in line with the principles of equality, justice, objectivity and fairness.
11- I believe that the organization (corporation) I work for is successful, effective and efficient in achieving its goals.
12- Employees can easily get permission to meet their social and special needs, provided that they do not disrupt their duties or avoid sloping.
13- I believe that my organization (corporation) is extremely healthy.
14- Employees can easily get permission to meet their social and special needs, provided that they do not disrupt their duties or avoid sloping.
15- Management cares about flexibility, functionality and rationality in their policies, practices, business and operations.
16- I believe that my organization (corporation) is extremely healthy.
17- I have a strong confidence in my relations with management.
18- Within the organization (corporation), there is a weakness and gap in supervision.
19- Very harsh and strict disciplinary practices are carried out within the organization (corporation).
20- Within the organization (corporation), strong cooperation, solidarity, solidarity, synergy and coordination are provided by the management for the employees.
21- Managers attach importance to special days such as birthdays and marriages and employees are congratulated on such special days.
22- There are problems of dissonance, conflict and disagreement among the employees within the organization (corporation).
23- Conflicts, dissonances, disputes within the organization (corporation) can be resolved within the framework of mutual dialogue, empathy and respect.
24- The working environment provided in the organization helps to create intimate, social, warm, sincere relationships for employees.
25- There is a high level of trust and sincerity among the employees of the organization (corporation).
26- The type of communication of employees within the organization (corporation) is mostly formal, procedural and hierarchical.
27- Employees attach importance to special days such as birthdays and marriages
of their colleagues and they are congratulated on such special days.
28- The working environment provided in the organization helps to create
intimate, social, warm, sincere relationships for employees.

Kimlere Uygulanabilir: 18 Yaş ve Üzeri Çalışanlar

Derecelendirme: 5'li likert

Ölçek Puanlaması:

Ölçekten alınabilecek puan 28 ile 140 arasında değişmektedir. Ölçekte ters madde bulunmamaktadır.

Ölçek Değerlendirmesi:

The scale developed is a five-digit Likert scale, with 3 sub-dimensions and a total of 28 items. Statistical analysis has revealed that these 3 factors explain 88.4% of the total variation and the factors on the scale; named "career", "managerial ability" and "social psychology". There are no reverse-encoded items in scale items.


Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and structural validity of organizational health scale are discussed. When the fit index values obtained as a result of these analysis results are taken into account, it is observed that the fit indices are good as a result of the three subdimension models. Internal consistency reliance coefficients of the developed scale are 0.76 for the career sub-dimension, 0.80 for the sub-dimension of managerial ability, 0.64 for the sub-dimension of social psychology and 0.86 for the entire scale. According to these results, it has been determined that the scale developed has structural validity and internal consistency. The results of the study show that the resulting organizational health scale can be used as a valid and reliable measuring tool. As a result of the
findings, it can be stated that the scale developed within the scope of the current research can fill a significant gap in the organizational health literature and will be an original measuring tool that can be used in future research.


Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients have been found to be 0.86 for the whole scale, 0.76 for the career sub-dimension, 0.80 for the managerial ability sub-dimension, and 0.64 for the social psychology sub-dimension, and the scale has been found to have internal consistency. The findings of the research have revealed that organizational health scale is a valid and reliable measuring tool.

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