Ölçek Yazarlar: Vanessa Gaiosoc

Eğitsel Uygulamalar Ölçeği
Unver, V., Basak, T., Watts, P., Gaioso, V., Moss, J., Tastan, S., ... & Tosun, N. (2017). The reliability and validity of three questionnaires: The Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, Simulation Design Scale, and Educational Practices Questionnaire. Contemporary Nurse, 53(1), 60-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2017.1282319
Öğrenmede Öğrenci Doyumu ve Öz güveni Ölçeği
Unver, V., Basak, T., Watts, P., Gaioso, V., Moss, J., Tastan, S., ... & Tosun, N. (2017). The reliability and validity of three questionnaires: The Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, Simulation Design Scale, and Educational Practices Questionnaire. Contemporary Nurse, 53(1), 60-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2017.1282319
Simülasyon Tasarım Ölçeği
Unver, V., Basak, T., Watts, P., Gaioso, V., Moss, J., Tastan, S., ... & Tosun, N. (2017). The reliability and validity of three questionnaires: The Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning Scale, Simulation Design Scale, and Educational Practices Questionnaire. Contemporary Nurse, 53(1), 60-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10376178.2017.1282319