Dergiler: Research in Science & Technological Education
2 ölçek bulundu.
Fen/ Bilim Kimliği Ölçeği (Lise Öğrencileri)
Alkış Küçükaydın, M., Esen, S., Çite, H., Gürbüzer, S. (2023). Science identity of Turkish students: Adaptation of the science ıdentity questionnaire and analysis in terms of demographic variables. Research in Science & Technological Education.
İlkokul Öğrencileri için Bilimsel Muhakeme Testi
Alkış Küçükaydın, M., Ayaz, E., Akkanat Avşar, Ç., & Sayıcı, E. (2024). Turkish adaptation of the science-P reasoning inventory: Examining the relationships between epistemological beliefs, gender, and residential area, Research in Science & Technological Education,