Dergiler: Journal of Career Assessment
Çevrimiçi Proaktif Kariyer Davranışı Ölçeği
Korkmaz, O., Doğanülkü, H.A., Bakioğlu, F., & Yalçın, S. B. (2024). Development and validation of the Online Proactive Career Behavior Scale. Journal of Career Assessment, Online First, 1-19.
Düzgün İş Ölçeği
Işık, E., Kozan, S., & Negiş-Işık, A. (2018). Cross-cultural validation of the Turkish Version of the Decent Work Scale. Journal of Career Assessment. Advance online publication.
İş Hedefi İlerleme Ölçeği (The Work Goal Progress Scale)
Çarkıt, E. (2024). Job satisfaction of Turkish school counselors: A social cognitive career theory perspective. Journal of Career Assessment, 32(3), 522-538.
İş Hedefi Öz Yetkinlik Ölçeği (The Work Goal Self-Efficacy Scale)
Çarkıt, E. (2024). Job satisfaction of Turkish school counselors: A social cognitive career theory perspective. Journal of Career Assessment, 32(3), 522-538.
Öğrenci Kariyer Yapılandırma Envanteri (Lise Formu)
Öztemel, K., & Akyol, E. Y. (2021). From Adaptive Readiness to Adaptation Results: Implementation of Student Career Construction Inventory and Testing the Career Construction Model of Adaptation. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(1), 54–75.
Öznel Eksik İstihdam Ölçeği
Buyukgoze-Kavas, A., Allan, B. A., Turan, M., & Kirazci, F. (2021). Context and validation of the Subjective Underemployment Scale among Turkish employees. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(2), 283-302.