Dergiler: International Journal of Nursing Practice
0-5 Yaş Arası Çocuğu Olan Ebeveynlerin Aşıya Yönelik Tutumları
Doğan, E., Genç, F. Z., Kaya, E., Bilgili, N., Kitiş, Y., & Kan, A. (2023). Attitudes towards vaccination among parents of children aged 0–5 years: A scale development study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e13210.
Çok Boyutlu Sağlık Kontrol Odağı Ölçeği A Formu
Güzel, A., Turan, S., & Üner, S. (2019). Turkish validity and reliability of Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale Form A. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 1-10.
Devir Teslim Değerlendirme Ölçeği
Tuna, R., & Dalli, B. (2019). The Turkish version of the Handover Evaluation Scale: Avalidity and reliability study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 25,1-7.
Felç Geçiren Hastalarda Öz-Etkililk Anketi
Topçu, S., & Oğuz, S. (2018). Translation and validation study for the Stroke Self‐efficacy Questionnaire in stroke survivors. International journal of nursing practice, e12646.
Felç Öz Etkililik Ölçeği
Topçu, S., & Oğuz, S. (2018). Translation and validation study for the Stroke Self‐efficacy Questionnaire in stroke survivors. International journal of nursing practice, e12646.
Geriatrik Sağlığı Geliştirme Ölçeği
Kartal, A., Korkmaz Aslan, G., Kostu, N., & Tümer, A.(2020). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Geriatric Health Promotion Scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice,, e12832,1-9.
Hasta Eğitimi Uygulama Ölçeği
Şenyuva, E., Kaya, H., & Can, G. (2019). A valid and reliable tool in assessing patient education: The Patient Education Implementation Scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 1-10.
Hemşire Devir Niyeti Ölçeği
Zeyrek, A. Ş., Fidan, Ö., Köktaş, N. Ş. (2023). The adaptation of the Nurse Turnover Intention Scale into Turkish: A validity and reliability study.International Journal of Nursing Practice, 29 (2).
Hemşire Devir Niyeti Ölçeği
Zeyrek S.A, Özlem,F. ve Köktaş, N.Ç.(2023).The adaptation of the Nurse Turnover Intention Scale into Turkish: A validity and reliability study.International Journal of Nursing Practice.29(2):11.
Hemşirelerin Hasta Haklarını Korumaya Yönelik Etik Davranışları Ölçeği
Eyüboğlu, G., Eyikara, E., Göçmen Baykara, Z., & Gül, Ş. (2022). Development, reliability and validity of the nurses’ ethical behaviours for protecting patient rights scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 28(1).
İlaca Uyum ve Reçete Yazdırma Ölçeği
Gökdoğan, F. ,& Kes, D. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Turkish Adherence to Refills and Medications Scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12566.
İnsülin Tedavisi Öz-Yönetim Ölçeği
Karahan-Okuroğlu, G., Karaçanta-Atbaş, S., & Ecevit-Alpar, Ş. (2019). Development, reliability, and validity of the Insulin Treatment Self-Management Scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice 1-11.
Klinik Öğrenme Ortamı, Süpervizyon ve Hemşire Öğretmeni Değerlendirme Ölçeği
İyigun, E., Tastan, S., Ayhan, H., Pazar, B., Tekin, Y. E., Coskun, H. & Saarikoski, M. (2020). The Clinical Learning Environment, Supervision and the Nurse Teacher Evaluation Scale: Turkish version. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 26(2), 1-10.
Koroner Kalp Hastalığı Öz Bakım Envanteri
Bayrak, B., & Oğuz, S. (2020). Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Self‐Care of Coronary Heart Disease Inventory. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 1-9.
Pediatrik Kanser Baş Etme Ölçeği
Kisecik Sengul, Z., Kilicarslan Toruner, E., & Ozbek, N. Y. (2022). Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Paediatric Cancer Coping Scale (PCCS). International Journal of Nursing Practice, e13037.
Revize Profesyonel Uygulama Ortamı Ölçeği
Cal, A., Acil, D., Bahar, Z., & Cengiz, B. (2021). Evaluation of the validity and reliability of the Revised Professional Practice Environment Scale for Turkish society. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 27(6), e13018.
Salutojenik Sağlık Göstergesi Ölçeği (SSGÖ)
Aci, O. S., Gencbas, D., Ciydem, E., & Kackin, O. (2023). Validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e13231. Advance online publication.
Standart Önlemlere Uyum Ölçeği
Samur, M., Seren Intepeler, S., & Lam, S. C. (2020). Adaptation and validation of the Compliance with Standard Precautions Scale amongst nurses in Turkey. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12839.
Stoma Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği
Karaçay, P., Toğluk Yigitoglu, E., & Karadağ, A. (2020). The validity and reliability of the Stoma Self‐Efficacy Scale: A methodological study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12840.
Yaşam Bulguları Ölçeği
Ertuğ, N.(2018). Evaluating the validity and reliability of the V‐Scale Instrument (Turkish version) used to determine nurses' attitudes towards vital sign monitoring. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 1-5. doi: 10.1111/ijn.12637
Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde Yatan Hastaların Ailelerinin Memnuniyeti Ölçeği
Tastan, S., Iyigun, E., Ayhan, H., Kılıckaya, O., Yılmaz, A. A., & Kurt, E. (2014). Validity and reliability of Turkish version of Family Satisfaction in the Intensive Care Unit. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 20(3), 320-326.