Ölçek Yazarlar: Müjgan Altın
Gözden Geçirilmiş Dini Fundementalizm Ölçeği
Altın, M. (2009). A cross-cultural investigation of obsessive compulsive disorder symptomatology: The role of religiosity and religious affiliation (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Penn Dinsel Obsesyonlar Ölçeği
Altın, M. (2009). A cross-cultural investigation of obsessive compulsive disorder symptomatology: The role of religiosity and religious affiliation (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Suçluluk Envanteri
Altın, M. (2009). A cross-cultural investigation of obsessive compulsive disorder symptomatology: The role of religiosity and religious affiliation (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Uluslararası İstem Dışı Zihinde Beliren Düşünceler Görüşme Formu
Altın, M. (2009). A cross-cultural investigation of obsessive compulsive disorder symptomatology: The role of religiosity and religious affiliation (Doctoral dissertation). Middle East Technical University The Graduate School of Social Sciences, Ankara.