Ölçek Yazarlar: Kamile Kabukçuoğlu

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2 ölçek bulundu.
Kanser Hastalarında Travma Sonrası Gelişim Ölçeği
Aydin, R., & Kabukçuoğlu, K. (2020). The factor structure of the posttraumatic growth inventory in cancer patients in Turkey. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28, 1603–1610. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12985
Travma Sonrası Gelişim Envanteri
Aydın, R., & Kabukçuoğlu, K. (2020). The factor structure of the posttraumatic growth inventory in cancer patients in Turkey. Health Soc Care Community, 28, 1603–1610. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12985