Ölçek Yazarlar: İlknur Yalçın

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2 ölçek bulundu.
Toplum Bakım Algıları Ölçeği
Bay, T. Özdemir İ.N. Beyhan, A. Yalçın, İ.& Kadığlu, H. (2022). Validity and reliability of Turkish version of the Scale on Community Care Perceptions (scope) for nursing students. Clin Exp Health Sci, 12, 162-168. doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.897229
Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of the Scale on Community Care Perceptions (SCOPE) for Nursing Students
Bay, T., Ozdemir, İ. N., Beyhan, A., Yalçın, İ., vd. (2022). Validity and reliability of Turkish version of The Scale on Community Care Perceptions (Scope) for Nursing Students. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 12(1), 162-168. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.897229