Ölçek Yazarlar: Fatih Cemil Kavcıoğlu
Durumluk Meta-Duygu Ölçeği (DMDÖ)
Kavcıoğlu, F. C. (2011). The role of meta-mood experience on the mood-congruency effect in recognizing emotions from facial expressions (Master's thesis). Middle East Technical University School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Kısa Duygudurum İçe-Bakış Ölçeği (DİBÖ)
Kavcıoğlu, F. C. (2011). The role of meta-mood experience on the mood-congruency effect in recognizing emotions from facial expressions (Master's thesis). Middle East Technical University School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Meta-Duygu Özellikleri Ölçeği (MDÖÖ)
Kavcıoğlu, F. C. (2011). The role of meta-mood experience on the mood-congruency effect in recognizing emotions from facial expressions (Master's thesis). Middle East Technical University School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.