Ölçek Yazarlar: Erhan Arif ÖZTÜRK

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2 ölçek bulundu.
Parkinson Hastalarında Yorgunluk Şiddeti Ölçeği
Ozturk, E. A., Kocer, B. G., Gundogdu, I., Umay, E., & Cakci, F. A. (2017). Reliability and validity study of a Turkish version of the Fatigue Severity Scale in Parkinson’s Disease Patients. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 40(2), 185-190.
Parkinson Yorgunluk Ölçeği
Ozturk, E. A., Kocer, B. G., Umay, E., & Cakci, A. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluations of the Turkish version of Parkinson Fatigue Scale. Quality of Life Research, 1-12.