Dergiler: Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science
Aile Güçlendirme Ölçeği
Durmaz, H., Yıldız, E. (2021). Validity and reliability of the turkish version of the family empowerment scale for caregivers of adults with mental health ıssues (fes-amt). Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 7(3), 348-357. DOI: 10.19127/mbsjohs.959567
Doğum Memnuniyeti Ölçeği
Özdemir Gökmen Ö. , Erbil N. & Demirbağ B. (2022). Adaptation of birth satisfaction scale-revised to turkish society. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 8(4), 490-505.
Gebelik Stres Derecelendirme Ölçeği
Akın, Ö., Erbil, N. (2022). Turkish validity and reliability study of the pregnancy stress rating scale. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science, 8(2), 208-222.