Dergiler: Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Flört Şiddeti Mitleri Ölçeği
Toplu-Demirtaş, E., Soysal, D. E., Aracı-İyiaydın, A., & Mesut, C. (2023). Making the myths of dating violence visible: Developing a new scale and testing its psychometrics through cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0), 1-26.
Flört Şiddetine Yönelik Algı Ölçeği
Toplu-Demirtaş, E., Öztemur, G., & Fincham, F. (2020). Perceptions of dating violence: Assessment and antecedents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication. 1-28.
Güç Algısı ve Güç Doyumu Ölçeği (İlişki Güç İndeksi)
Toplu-Demirtaş, E., & Fincham, F. (2020). I don’t have power, and I want more: Psychological, physical, and sexual dating violence perpetration among college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 00(0), 1-30.
Partnerin Aldatmaya Yönelik Niyeti Ölçeği
Toplu-Demirtaş, E., Akçabozan-Kayabol, N. B., Aracı-İyiaydın, A., & Fincham, F. (2020). Unraveling the roles of distrust, suspicion of infidelity, and jealousy in cyber dating abuse perpetration: An attachment theory perspective. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0), 1-31.