Dergiler: Frontiers in Psychology
Kronik Stres Ölçeği
Yapici Eser, H., Ertuna, D., Yalcinay-Inan, M., Kurt Sabitay, I., Balli, M., Kilciksiz, C. M., … & Aydemir, Ö. (2024). Validation of the Turkish version of the Chronic Stress Scale: Assessing social role-related stressors and their impact on psychopathology. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1479845.
Örgütsel İyileşme Ölçeği
Karsantık, İ., & Çayak, S. (2025). Development of Organizational Healing Scale: Validity and reliability study. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1491182.
Şefkatli İlgi ve Eylem Ölçeği
Ari, E., Cesur-Soysal, G., Basran, J., & Gilbert, P. (2022). The Compassionate Engagement and Action Scales for Self and Others: Turkish Adaptation, Validity, and Reliability Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.