Dergiler: Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity
3 ölçek bulundu.
E-Sağlıklı Beslenme Okuryazarlığı Ölçeği
Karahan Yilmaz, S., Eskici, G., Sarac, O.E. (2023). Validity-reliability of the e-Healthy Diet Literacy Scale in Turkish adults. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 15(3), 1-13.
Spor Taraftarları İçin Aşk-Nefret Ölçeği
Kural, S., Ozbek, Gurbuz, B.(2023).Adaptation of the Love–Hate Scale for Sports Fans into Turkish: A validity and reliability stud. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity.15(1).
Sporcu Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği
Koçak, Ç. V. (2020). Athlete Self-Efficacy Scale: Development and psychometric properties. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, (1), 41-54.